Hi… it’s been 9 months

After the burnout of University, graduating, working over the christmas period and job searching, I have made a miraculous recovery!

After contemplating my existence, crying in the corner and thinking it was all hopeless due to my now crippling debt, I have returned to my roots of this site. You may notice a few changes around here, including the way I now write more freely due to no lecturer supervision, Ha!

After looking for my new years resolution that usually lasts all of 2 minutes, I opted to create a list of actions to complete this year. Not only do I want to get a job within the design sector, I want to improve my skills as a designer in the current areas I enjoy the most as well as learning new software.

That all said and done this will enact as my web portfolio and help me build toward a future site that flows with my creativity.
Thanks for reading!